The 7 Biggest SEO Trends 2023

The 7 Biggest SEO Trends 2023

SEO Trends

With the ever-changing algorithm, the trends for optimization keep changing. So it is essential for all those who are trying to grow in this digital space to understand the algorithm and SEO trends.

In this article, we are going to dive into how SEO is treating us in 2023.

But before moving any further, let’s understand what SEO is and why we need to stay updated with SEO trends.

seo trends

What is SEO, and Why is it important?

If you have no idea what SEO is, it is Search Engine Optimization. You might have heard people bragging about quality vs. quantity of content, but you would never hear them talking about quality and quantity of traffic. This quality and quantity of traffic are increased by using the correct tactics of SEO and staying updated with all the SEO trends.

In this digital space, there is a lot of content, but whenever you search for something, you don’t see everything available regarding your topic on the first page of Google, right? This is exactly where SEO comes in.Β 

Numerous tools help you optimize your content for search engines, but if you don’t understand the trends and importance of SEO, you will get lost in the sea of content and be crying over a failed article.

Now that you know SEO and its importance to growing in this digital world, let’s see what SEO tactics are on trend in 2023 so we don’t fail to boost our content and rank it on Google Page 01.

What is SEO, and Why is it important?

7 Key SEO Trends 2023

Here’s a list of the top 07 SEO trends for 2023 that you can adopt, align to your needs, and make your audience reach out to your article first right after writing their desired topic in the Google search bar:

  1. Voice Search Optimization
  2. Competitor SEO analysis
  3. On Page SEO
  4. Video SEO
  5. Mobile-First SEO
  6. E.A.T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
  7. Audience Targeted and Not Traffic Targeted Content.

It seems as if SEO Trends 2023 focuses more on you bringing forward your expertise in your content and making it valuable ultimately keeping the content SEO-Optimized and seeing your content glowing on Google’s 1rst page.

Let’s understand each of these separately:

1. Voice Search Optimization

In a world where almost everyone is procrastinating and is lazy, over 60% of people search for their desired topic using β€œGoogle’s Voice Search,” so this is the optimization tip that should be your first and foremost priority.

When clicking “Publish,”, make sure you use keywords that are in a conversational tone, enhancing and making the voice search optimized. Why? Because whenever we use the voice search feature, Google uses a featured snippet that is most relevant to the topic.Β 

To make your website appear as a featured snippet, understand the following example:

β€œWhat is the number of calories I need to consume if I have to loose my weight from 80kgs to 55kgs?”

Voice Search

β€œCalories to consume for losing weight?”

Typing Search

Now you see how the tones switch; that’s the exact strategy you are going to use. According to research from UpCity, over 50% of US citizens use the voice search feature, and guess what? Most of our articles are targeted at US audiences, so make it easy for Google to help them access your website by presenting it at the top as a featured snippet.

keyword research

Now the question arises: how will you get such keywords that will make it all easy for you? Fret not; here it is, SEMRush. All you have to do is go to the SEMRush Keyword Magic Tool and write down your seed keyword, and boom, you will get a list of all the keywords available along with their monthly search volume, difficulty level, and much more.


But the search does not end here. You need long tail keywords, head to the top left side, and will see the KD level, Customize it in the range 0-29 because long tail keywords usually fall in the easy category and are helpful when it comes to getting in the featured snippet as a result of voice search.

Once you found the best keywords, select them and add them to your (+ADD TO KEYWORD LIST) on the top right, and you are all set to become the next featured snippet.

keyword tool

2. Competitor SEO Analysis

The best thing to stay ahead of the competition is to be two steps ahead of your competitor. So spy on your competitor’s website. Analysis of its SEO and build up your SEO strategy based on the criteria that it is 2 times better than your competitors. You can use some Competitor SEO analysis tools that will help you.

This will also help you craft content that will be more readable and understandable than your competitor’s as you will know their format their tone and you can just get their mistakes and avoid them, making up a tone and writing it in a way that will surely answer all the questions popping up in your audience’s mind.

Make your competitor’s website a ladder that will bring you closer to the top 3 on Google. Don’t repeat their mistake and format your content better than theirs.Competitor SEO Analysis

3. On-Page SEO

Google wants to be carbon-free by 2023, and the company has set high environmental standards. Google is thinking about cutting back on how frequently it scans web pages as part of this endeavor.

This decrease in scanning contributes to computer resource conservation and is consistent with Google’s environmental goals. Nevertheless, rather than finding new content, the slower scanning is more likely to impact how quickly Google refreshes content that already exists. As a result, it could take Google longer to identify website modifications.

On-Page SEO

It makes sense to make sure your content is optimized from the beginning to handle this. This entails arranging every aspect of the website that is required for it to rank well. Given that Google is modifying its scanning practices, the best course of action for 2023 is to take a proactive approach.

4. Video SEO

Unable to solve that difficult math’s question, where would you head? The place where teachers of teachers exist is YouTube. Similarly, for many other reasons, our go-to platform is YouTube that’s what brings YouTube a billion users.

So you need to optimize your videos just like the web content, to get more search engine visibility. Use the YouTube autocomplete feature to find the best possible keywords and incorporate them in your YouTube video description, title, and every place related to your YouTube video.Video SEO

And then both ofΒ your favorite sites with work hand in hand. When the relatedΒ keyword is asked in the search bar, your video will also appear at the top of Google searches, Amazing, right?

Come close, here’s a secret tip; Say your main keywords LOUDER AND CLEARER in your video too, it will do wonders πŸ˜‰ This will help the two buddies understand what your video is about and their robots will bring you to the top.

5. Mobile-First SEO

Everybody knows how Google keeps on evolving and rolling out some new features. So until 2019, your website’s appearance on mobiles also used to depend on its optimization on desktop, and how it looks on Computer. But in 2019, Google turned the tables, and here comes a new feature, a Mobile-screen optimized website.

Mobile-First SEO

You know over 86% of the population around the world use mobile phones to search for anything on Google. So get ready to see crickets on your website if it’s not optimized for mobile screens.

Here’s how you can optimize it:

  1. Use the β€œMobile usability” tool, to see how well your websites appear on mobile, it may look top-notch on a desktop but that beauty has nothing if it cannot beautify someone’s mobile screen when they search for a topic on Google.
  2. Get your website tested through some mobile-friendly test tools.
  3. Use the page speed insight tool to see how fast your website responds on the phone.

These will ensure your website is Ready to Glow on the first page of Google, whatever device it is.

6. E.A.T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Well, now another E has been included;





Since this other E wasn’t part of SEO Trend 2022, so many won’t know about it. So you may be wondering, what do I mean by Experience? Google is going to analyze the experience of the author in the topic when it comes to categorizing the content as the best.

E.A.T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

Oh that doesn’t mean Google is going to check your resume, it will analyze the topic. Just like you get to know how that Physics teacher teaching speaks about his experience itself, the same way your content will tell your experience itself.Β 

For Example, being authoritative in the SEO niche, if I am just into the travel niche; Google will categorize my content as a noob and kick it out of the top pages phufff; and I left wondering Why my content failed. So Experience is what matters. Get the content prepared by someone proficient in the niche.

Your author can make or break your ranking game so choose your author wisely.

Audience-targeted, and Traffic-targeted Content

Here’s the game changer. Suppose you have a website that talks about real estate and suddenly you start food blogs, it’s just like a mathematics teacher teaching Biology. So stick to your niche, instead of hopping from one niche to another.

This simply implies that you are switching between niches to get more traffic, however, now Google ranks you only if you stick loyal to your audience. Google analyzes what are you running after.Β 

If your content strategy focuses on only and only traffic building then in 2023, forget that Google will build a huge traffic by simply writing content of different niches. The more user-friendly and audience-focused you are, the closer you are to the top 5 results on Google, and boom more traffic and the traffic that loves you and your content.

Audience-targeted, and Traffic-targeted Content

Final Words

While keeping up with the current SEO trends is undoubtedly important, applying that knowledge is much more so if you want to remain competitive. There are a few important things to remember in 2023.

Keep Moving Forward with ABPOVE:

One useful acronym to keep in mind is ABPOVE. Because of its acronym, “Algorithm Updates, Values, and Goals,” SEO trends are being directly shaped. Align your tactics with what Google is searching for in order to succeed. How well your website performs is greatly influenced by changes in Google’s algorithm and its values.

Use SEO tools!

Don’t try to do it alone; use SEO tools! Your greatest allies are SEO resources. They can assist you in meeting Google’s ever-increasing content requirements. These resources give you information, monitor your development, and assist you in implementing the required changes. Making use of SEO tools facilitates and improves the task.

Read Also: The Ultimate Marketing Dictionary

“By remembering these pointers, you’ll be ready to handle the constantly changing SEO landscape and enhance the functionality of your website in 2023”


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