How to learn basics of SEO

SEO Basics: A Beginner’s Free Guide 2023

Learn the SEO basics

You can rank your page or website either by paying money to that platform or you can do it organically using Search Engine Optimization. But, allow us to introduce SEO basics to beginners first that what actually SEO basics are.

The Ace of Spades of the game of SEO is the keyword. All the content you write or create revolves around that specific keyword or group of keywords which is incorporated in the actual content (on-page SEO) and in the backlinks also (off-page SEO). The aim of SEO is to force the search engine to show your website or page on the top of the search page whenever that certain keyword is searched which is related to the content you created by using the same keyword or group of keywords.

Keywords in SEO Basics

There is no question about keyword usage in SEO but if you still think that SEO or page ranking is totally dependent on the Keyword, you are not up to date. But, don’t worry, we will catch the newly introduced rules and regulations later in this blog.

SEO is the root of internet marketing. Digital marketing agencies want the best SEO specialist for their company and that is why this is becoming a huge interest of those people who want to learn some skill and want to excel in the marketing field. And, if you are one of them, is here explaining the SEO basicsΒ  in the simplest way which will be very easy for you to digest, learn and implement. It’s going to be a step to step path from SEO Basics toward mastery of SEO skills.

Understand Google First

Google has a 93% search market as a whole and that is why SEO is always associated with google. You must have never heard about any other browser’s SEO but Google. So, first, understand what google prefers and what Google’s latest terms and conditions are.

Before the latest core updates, Google’s algorithm was totally dependent on SEO but google took one step further and introduced some new terms and conditions in order to rank the websites and pages. The latest core updates say that you cannot forcefully optimize your content now and cannot force google to rank your pages. Because Google is also tired of showing the same plagiarized content again and again.


Google Says:

So, google said to bring something creative and unique if you want us to show you at the top of the list. So, the skill is no more bound to the keywords now, you must show uniqueness in your website and the content you want to post, to get recognized by Google.

But why Google thought of bringing these core updates to their system? It’s because they are prioritizing their users. They want their viewers to get the best experience while surfing the internet. They want their audience to view new things whenever they will search the same keyword at different times.


Google User:

Being a Google user, you must also have noticed this thing that whenever you searched for a certain topic, at different times you got to see the same websites and content on top pages. But now you will feel the difference in the upcoming time. You will get to see different content every time you will search for the same keyword. Because google will automatically push behind the old content and will show you the new one. So, being an SEO specialist, you must know this important point. Now we can proceed to the actual guide of SEO basics.

Keyword Research

Keywords are the center of attention for SEO basics. Because your content is written according to the keywords, your title contains that keyword, your URL is generated on the basis of the keyword. So, you need to know which keywords need to be selected.

For Instance

Let us give you an example for better learning. Suppose you are running a product-based website for selling β€œGlasses”. So, first, you need to understand the target audience, that what the people who want to buy glasses will search on Google. Once you will get to know this, it will become your primary keyword which you will be using in the titles, in the content body, URLs, and also on off-page SEO. Suppose that keyword was β€œGlasses frames for men”. You got your main keyword but the research is not ended yet. Because there is only an 11% chance that the user will search the same keyword.

Related Keywords

So, now you need to drive related and synonymous keywords in order to increase this chance to 50%. Because, now it’s not a chance, it’s a probability, whether yes or no. Use your brain to derive the related keywords, for example, Elegant Glasses frames, Transparent Glasses frames, glasses frames for women, Glasses frames for kids, optical glasses, dashing glasses, etc.

Use the main keyword and related keywords in the title, content body, website development, and URLs, and optimize your website to rank up.

Compile and Spread the Keywords

As soon as you are doing the keyword research, keep compiling it on the spreadsheet. This will ease your work. All the keywords we exemplify above are called short tail-keyword which consisted of 2-3 words. Now, you need to convert these short-tail keywords into long-tail keywords to make searches more accurate.

The short tail keywords give a basic search appearance but what if the viewer wants to be more specific in their research? So, spread your keywords to 5-6 words and incorporate these long tail keywords in your content. For example, Cheap and high-quality glasses frames for men, Black colored glasses frames for men, Optical sunglasses for men, etc.

Analyze your keyword

Google also makes money from ads sense revenue and ads sense revenue works on Cost-per-click. And you also earn through the same method. But, google charges more money for some keywords which are most popular once or most common once because there are a lot more people using the same keyword. This can make it difficult for you to create a place and will also earn you less money.


So, analyze your keyword using online tools by uploading your list of keywords, and that online tool will tell which keyword has how much cost-per-click. The more the cost-per-click is, the more difficult is to rank your page. So, if you have such keywords in your list, discard them and find some other related keywords which will also give you the same reach.


The class is not ended yet, so keep yourself UpToDate with this blog and to learn more about SEO basics.


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