Google Search Engine

How to use the Google search engine?

Google search engine

Google is the most used browser for internet surfing and google became number one because of its spectacular algorithms, automation, and compliance. Around 3.5 billion searches are made daily on google. Google is a fully automated platform for the searcher as well as for the person who uses google as a business platform to earn money. When a new website is added to the internet, it doesn’t need to be added manually on google, instead, the automation power of google adds that website to the index spontaneously.

We are using google for a long time but the majority of us are still unaware of, how to google searches works and how google is so efficiently automated. Why google algorithms are so accurate? But don’t worry we will explain some terminologies in this blog which will help you to understand the google search engine and its correct usage.

Three basic steps make google and its algorithms function efficiently. And, your search and your website will pass through these steps. And also, your search or website doesn’t need to pass through all of these steps but maybe one or two.

Google itself uses software named crawlers which you can understand as the ants of the internet that enters everywhere and search for new pages and websites and add them automatically to google. And, it doesn’t need to be done manually. This process is known as crawling and it also downloads texts, images, and documents to the related searches and saves them to index.

You must have thought that how google knows your interest. And why google is only showing those pages which you want to search or are searching? So, Google has the biggest database in which the information you are searching gets stored in the index, and google will use the algorithms and will show you the related pages only. This is called indexing.

When a user searches any keyword on google, in response google sends some queries to the user’s device or synced account for further searches and related pages, images, documents, and videos.

Now, we need to learn about the usage of the google search engine both from the basic user’s point of view as well as from the website holder’s point of view.

Using the google search engine as a viewer

Normal users are those who use the internet for surfing their required stuff, which is very easy and efficient due to the three factors we discussed above. You just need to type the related keyword and google will automatically understand what you are looking for and will show you the related pages, images, links, and videos.

Using a google search engine to run a website

Now, if you own a domain on the internet and you want google as your platform to run your website then it is not that simple because that thing involves various parameters which need to be understood and practiced. But, don’t worry, this blog will help and take you along.

Adding a website to google is not a big deal. If you have followed the basic rules of google then your website will automatically be added to the google index, as we already talked about it previously in the heading of indexing. And you can also check manually if your website is added on google or not using google search.

But that will not generate any revenue. Google can be used to earn money through google ads. Google allows you to run ads on your website and when viewers visit your website by clicking and viewing that ad will generate your money. This can only happen when your website will be visible on the top pages of google. And to rank a website you need to learn some basic algorithms and need to opt for some tactics which google likes and in return rank your website.

Google likes unique websites and prefers and ranks unique content. And discourages plagiarized work from being uploaded and even google removes such websites from the index. While developing the websites it needs to be optimized regarding the language, coding, designing, bugs, etc. Later on, when you are done with developing a website and have added the website on google now it all the content including images, videos, blogs, and articles must be optimized to keep your website visible on the upper pages of google.

Here, it is mandatory to talk about internet marketing and digital marketing agencies who knows how to use the google search engine perfectly and for which they charge businesses huge payments. They are well aware of the current google algorithms and they are masters in the optimization of content. SEO experts know which type of content is to be uploaded and how to optimize the keywords and images. So, if you want to avail of such services and want to learn the correct usage and services related to google searching you must visit a digital marketing agency.


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