Digital marketing and Social Media

Digital Marketing and Social Media

With more than 56 percent of the world’s population using social media, it has become one of the biggest sources of digital marketing. You can use google or emails for the marketing of your brand but when it comes to helping people understand you in a better way, social media is the key.Β 

social media

Social media can be used in both ways. We can attract traffic from social media and also use social media to introduce ourselves. To help our clients understand our products/services and understand our way of dealing etc. The basic goal in digital marketing is often to get more sales by connecting with your consumers. Social media makes that easier

Social media marketing can also increase our traffic in different ways. Although there is a different kind of audience present at each application. You cannot target a specified group of people through one message. Digital marketing isn’t about just leaving a message to the people and sitting back at your computer waiting for them to come to you.

It is more of watching your audience, what they like and what they hate. Offering them their most required products/services at the perfect time and engaging with them through social media. In online marketing especially the one that is being done through social media, you yourself have to grasp an approach to the client.

Another huge reason to shift to social media marketing is because of the time that people spend there. You must have read that digital marketing is about meeting people where they spend most of their time. That is what social media marketing is all about.

An average person spends almost 2 hours on social media daily in his 7 to 8 hours of mobile use. The best way to market your product would be by branding it in such a place where the majority of people are present.

Getting leads

getting leads

Social media isn’t the only option when it comes to marketing through running ads and so on, because the amount of traffic on gateways like google is humongous when compared with social media. Does that mean we cannot drive traffic from social media to our websites or portfolios?Β 

NO! Just because social media isn’t as big as google that doesn’t mean you cannot use it to drive traffic for your site. Both paid and organic traffic can be generated from social media platforms on a large scale.

But to grow this traffic you need good knowledge of digital marketing. If you think you can generate sales by simply advertising your services. You’re wrong.

Sales are always generated by marketing funnels which are already discussed in the articles, β€œWhy digital marketing matters?β€œ. There is always a different approach to communicating with your client depending on his stage. We can generate leads with proper marketing via social media.

Marketing Strategies

Different digital marketing strategies are used at different levels.Β 

There are different marketing strategies which includes:

One of the most famous and successful digital marketing strategy is paid marketing also known as Digital Marketing. The brand owner has to pay the advertiser to feature some advertisements on any social media application platform, mainly Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.

The marketing strategy might look a little bit costly at the start but if u have chosen a good marketing agency that can help you brand your services. Your business might be the next biggest upcoming brand.

Tknack is a marketing agency that can help you turn your small business into a Corporation Industry. Tknack is always concerned about its customer satisfaction. Because of this, their Professional Marketing experts provide you with extraordinary results for your brand. If you are a person who is willing to market his brand, Tknack could be the best pick.

One of the biggest pros of mouth marketing is that it can be done easily through your social media handles free of cost. It doesn’t always require paid campaigns but you yourself can also run surveys, free social media campaigns, etc. In order to provide a boost to your business by gaining traffic.

There are certain rules for mouth marketing. Some of them include

  1. Be kind to your client.
  2. Understanding what he wants.
  3. Providing him with his required services or product before time.

Content marketing is also a type of marketing. The brand owner gains traffic from the content which can be in the form of a blog or any other type of content.

This is another very common strategy we have witnessed in our daily life. When a company faces a downfall, it usually collaborate with another organization to gain traffic. Partnership marketing is usually done free of cost but that isn’t the case every time. Sometimes a company might ask for something in exchange for online marketing of your brand.

Although this can be proved very helpful for both the brands because audiences from both sides are introduced to new products.

Design your social media handles in such a way that your customers will not only buy from you but will also trust you for their future purchases. When a brand has loyal customers that is the pinnacle of that respective brand.

Social Media posts designs are a key to bring audience to your profile because design catches the eye before the content.


“What would be the first thing you do when you hear a new name? You try to get introduced to him by searching him up. In the case of brands, you will always prefer social media platforms if you want to get to know a brand. Use this same approach with the promotion of your own brand as well.

The first look at your social media handles will introduce you to the customer. Either you make him feel attracted to your services or products or he quits.

Social media marketing strategies are proven most beneficial here. When a customer opens up your profile, he wants to understand your work and what services do you offer.

To attain Social Media Marketing Services, you can connect with Tknack to know about their packages.”

Look At Also: Why digital marketing is important for your small business growth?

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